all postcodes in SY5 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY5 9AA 2 0 52.714155 -2.90418
SY5 9AB 7 0 52.718779 -2.925846
SY5 9AD 9 1 52.720837 -2.943496
SY5 9AE 10 0 52.722067 -2.945445
SY5 9AF 6 0 52.728155 -2.930875
SY5 9AG 17 0 52.722553 -2.948801
SY5 9AH 11 0 52.723552 -2.951284
SY5 9AJ 4 0 52.726086 -2.954759
SY5 9AL 2 0 52.732617 -2.962704
SY5 9AN 7 1 52.725776 -2.96645
SY5 9AP 2 0 52.72138 -2.986708
SY5 9AQ 1 1 52.692765 -2.965321
SY5 9AR 36 4 52.727788 -2.979331
SY5 9AS 23 0 52.730575 -2.9884
SY5 9AT 52 0 52.732932 -3.003852
SY5 9AU 7 2 52.72874 -3.02144
SY5 9AW 5 0 52.72796 -2.972051
SY5 9AX 4 0 52.728205 -3.03548
SY5 9AY 9 1 52.728466 -3.039544
SY5 9AZ 4 0 52.728696 -3.043992